Our tree of H.U.G.S. is ready for decorations in the front hall by the office.  We will be decorating the tree with new Hats, Underwear, Gloves and Socks. All donations will be distributed to Willard East families before Christmas.  

Food Drive: December 10-14  The success of this event depends on each of us.Our class is asked to bring crackers/cookies, but any donation will be appreciated!   Thank you in advance for your contributions!  There are also a few specific needs in our community this year.  If you would like a specific item to purchase for a specific anonymous child, please let me know.  Our class collected 1,000 pennies for our math class collection activity.  This $10.00 will be donated to the food drive.  Thank you, again!

December 21 is a 1/2 day with school dismissing at 12:40.  This is also the day of our annual third grade READ IN!  Students are encouraged to wear their p.j.'s and slippers, bring a stuffed animal or small pillow and be prepared to enjoy books.  We will read books, listen to books and even watch a book all while enjoying donuts and hot cocoa! If you would like to contribute to our morning events please click on the button below.  This will allow you to sign up for a specific item to send ie. cups, donuts, etc. Thank you!!!

We're using VolunteerSpot (the leading online signup and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming activity.

Please sign up for 3rd grade read in - here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

   1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/c1bGcc
   2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot) 
   3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Ask your child about...figurative language, sentence fluency,  adding 2 and 3 digit numbers, spelling words with /g/ or /j/, our class reading the morning announcements, shadows, our new library books ...

If you haven't planned your Thanksgiving menu yet.  There is no need to fret.  Click below and your problem is solved, and with a big smile, I bet!

When students were asked what they are thankful for I heard... family, recess, turkey, friends, books, p.e., Thanksgiving, iPods, music, mom and dad, and even school!  I'm thankful for my family, my country, my friends, my creature comforts, and of course my job that allows me to watch wonderful children learn and grow every day!
I hope you and your family have a restful, thanks filled weekend.
Week in review: 
* Scholastic Book Order Sent Home Due November 28; Class Activation Code for Online orders = GY3NG
Your may order online or you may send a check (no cash please) with the order slip to school and I will mail it.  If you would like to have your book purchases be a secret for Christmas, just let me know and I will notify you when the order arrives.  
Scholastic Book Clubs Link (or visit our own class homepage)

* Three Branches of Government (legislative (makes laws), executive (carries out laws, and judicial (ensures that laws are fair))
*New Math Game Called "Go Collecting" similar to "Go Fish"
*Writing Thanksgiving Recipes
*Reading About the First Thanksgiving
*Spelling Words Using OI and OY
*Locating, Adding and Subtracting Numbers on a 1,000 Chart
*Writing holiday letters to military men and women for Christmas

Next Week is a Short One, Only Two Days! 
* Government social studies test on Tuesday
* NO new spelling words
* NO new weekly at-home reading

Christmas Food Drive will begin after Thanksgiving.  We will be collecting cans and boxes of nonperishable food, hygiene products such as soap, toothpaste, etc., cleaning supplies and new toys/games.  More information from the office will come home about this.  I'm just giving you a head's up so that if you plan on making a donation it won't sneak up on you.   

We have opened up our class Kidblog account so that you can leave comments to your child.  Your child's password is "tiger" plus their four digit lunch pin.  All comments are sent to me for approval before they are added to the blog.http://kidblog.org/MrsHillenburg2012-2013/

Students wrote in their Friday letters today.  The letters are addressed to someone in their family.  If you get a chance to write back to them in the purple notebook, I'm sure they would LOVE it!  

Special Class Schedule Change: The second trimester rotation for special classes will be...Monday, P.E.
Tuesday, Computer Lab
Wednesday, P.E.
Thursday, Music
Friday, Art

A few quick reminders...
PTO meeting will be from 6:30 to 7:30 Tuesday, November 13 (tomorrow)
Family Movie Night will be Friday, November 16 starting at 7:00 pm (bring you snacks, blankets, lawn chairs, etc.) The movie will be Dr. Seuss's The Lorax!
No School Wednesday, November 21 - Sunday, November 25

With our current unpredictable weather, please send appropriate jackets/coats/hats/gloves/etc. for recess.  We will be having outside recess as much as possible.  We all need the time to run around in the fresh air.  :)  If your child is missing their winter wear, please check the lost and found near the office.

We will be collecting food, toiletries, and toys that will be available for pick up the week before Christmas break.  If you will need assistance with these items you will need to fill out a Holiday Assistance Application.  "Pink" papers with this information were sent home last week. You can pick up an application in the office or drop me a note and I will send one home with your child.  Applications must be returned by November 20th. Information about making a donation will be coming home with your child soon.
Welcome Dominic!  We are very excited to have Dominic join our class.  I hope we continue to make him feel comfortable in our room.  We now have 20 students in our class!

Week in review:  Math test over measurement and telling time to the nearest 5 minutes, (we will cover this again later in the year), Uncle Sam hats with U.S. symbols,  Veteran's Day Assembly,  Bus Safety Assembly,  Character descriptions and changes in reading,  Vivid verbs in writing, Presidential election, Reading many government non-fiction books, the book Animalia  by Graeme Base and our own class ABC book.
We also learned about an amazing new website called PebbleGo.  You can log on at home and try it.  username= willardeast    password=school

A Look Ahead:  Week #13 spelling next week November 12 (oy/oi), no new spelling words on November 19 (Thanksgiving week), opinion writing, adding and subtracting within 1000, the three branches of government (executive, judicial and legislative), Thanksgiving non-fiction books, writing recipes using time order words such as first, then, meanwhile, 
I hope your family finds time to decorate the turkey that was sent home.  This is just a fun project that we will display in the hall when they are returned.

Remember!  Pizza Hut "book it" coupons are given to students that return their weekly at home reading assignment each week during the month.  There have been two reading assignments due for the month of November.  (John Silver the Pigeon  due 11/2/12 and Danger Ahead: The American Alligator  due 11/9/12)
Ten students received a pizza coupon for the month of October!   

Math test this week!!!!
Our math test this week will  cover practical things that you can practice at home.
Measurement and Telling Time
Measurement Ideas: just measure things, anything, length of a book with inches and centimeters, length of the kitchen table, make an estimate of how tall each member of the family is and then measure them to find the truth, use a referent other than a ruler to measure things, use paper clips or crayons to determine the length of the couch, determine the best unit of measure to find different things, like; what would you use to measure a football field (yards), what would you use to measure the length of a car (feet)...
Telling time ideas: do a time check throughout the day, evening, ask your child to write the digital time from an analogue clock, determine how many more minutes before the next hour, the tricky ones seem to always be anything close to the next hour like 9:55 or 3:50...

telling time links:
