Week in review: 
* Scholastic Book Order Sent Home Due November 28; Class Activation Code for Online orders = GY3NG
Your may order online or you may send a check (no cash please) with the order slip to school and I will mail it.  If you would like to have your book purchases be a secret for Christmas, just let me know and I will notify you when the order arrives.  
Scholastic Book Clubs Link (or visit our own class homepage)

* Three Branches of Government (legislative (makes laws), executive (carries out laws, and judicial (ensures that laws are fair))
*New Math Game Called "Go Collecting" similar to "Go Fish"
*Writing Thanksgiving Recipes
*Reading About the First Thanksgiving
*Spelling Words Using OI and OY
*Locating, Adding and Subtracting Numbers on a 1,000 Chart
*Writing holiday letters to military men and women for Christmas

Next Week is a Short One, Only Two Days! 
* Government social studies test on Tuesday
* NO new spelling words
* NO new weekly at-home reading

Christmas Food Drive will begin after Thanksgiving.  We will be collecting cans and boxes of nonperishable food, hygiene products such as soap, toothpaste, etc., cleaning supplies and new toys/games.  More information from the office will come home about this.  I'm just giving you a head's up so that if you plan on making a donation it won't sneak up on you.   

We have opened up our class Kidblog account so that you can leave comments to your child.  Your child's password is "tiger" plus their four digit lunch pin.  All comments are sent to me for approval before they are added to the blog.http://kidblog.org/MrsHillenburg2012-2013/

Students wrote in their Friday letters today.  The letters are addressed to someone in their family.  If you get a chance to write back to them in the purple notebook, I'm sure they would LOVE it!  

The Willard District "Tiger Tech Conference" was the reason for no school on Monday.  Teachers had the opportunity to attend a wide variety of technology workshops to learn the about the newest devices, applications and strategies for the classroom.  Much of the technology that your child uses in the classroom each day was something that I've learned from attending previous Tiger Tech Conferences.  This year I was asked to host a session and introduce others to student blogging.  Our own Kidblog pages were used as examples. Teachers from all over our district had the opportunity to visit our Kidblog site and see our work.  I told the kids that they were "Willard celebrities" on Monday.  That statement got us to thinking about the bright futures ahead of us.  In our Friday letter, students were asked to write about what they would like to be in the future.  This also tied in nicely to our social studies discussions about our community businesses.  I've created a "wordle" to illustrate our answers. Click on the link below. (Just in case you aren't familiar with wordle...the more times a word is typed, the larger it appears within the picture.)    "Our Future" Wordle

Students have received their field trip permission form for our adventure to the Frontier Theater on October 18.  Permission slips and money must be returned by October 8.  Please let me know if financial assistance is needed.  In the event that your child did not bring home a permission form, you can print another by clicking below. 
(Cash Only Please)
Field Trip Permission Slip

Mark Your Calendars: Willard East Skate Night will be Tuesday, October 2 from 6-8pm at Skateland.  Look for information about this in your child's take home folder.

Willard East Write A Check Campaign Has Been Extended Through October!

Ask Your Child About: consonant blends in our spelling words, coin combinations to make $1.00, FINISHING our community pop-up books, the difference between the four types of sentences (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory and imperative), addition combinations to practice at home, our first tiger pride assembly, our new school t-shirts and our all school picture!

Week in review:  
Spelling week 2: focus on short vowel sounds

     *words with a short vowel sound usually have only one vowel (like the difference between pond and pound or mall and mail), often times a short vowel sound will have a double consonant after it (like kitten or fill)

Reading: Daily 5 launch (eventually every child will be able to "read to self", "listen to reading","work on writing", "read to someone" and "work with words" during our daily 5 time), building reading stamina (we are up to 15 uninterrupted minutes of quality reading with comprehension), RAZ kids (personalized leveled on-line reading with comprehension and accountability)

Writing: writing a friendly letter (5 parts of a friendly letter), choices for "work on writing" time (letters, notes, songs, poetry, stories, etc.)

Math: comparing numbers, ordering numbers, writing numbers in standard and expanded form, numbers greater than 100

Social Studies: identifying and labeling the Missouri River and the Mississippi River, identifying and naming the 8 states that touch Missouri

Read Aloud: Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech

Letter writing: Every Friday students will be asked to write a letter for morning work.  I've given each of them a "Friday Letter Spiral Notebook" for this.  They will have a prompt to give them direction about what to write and who to write to.  This past week they wrote to me about rainy days.  (it just happened to be raining on that day).  Sometimes they will be asked to write to a family member or a friend. They may even have a chance to write to Principal Miller this year.  I will write back to the students over the weekend.  If they write to you (only once or twice this year) I ask that you take a few minutes to write a quick note back to them in their notebook.  All the letters will stay in the notebook (please don't tear them out) and everyone will be able to see their progress throughout the year.  Class mini-lessons will focus on different aspects of writing or reading comprehension for the letters.  For instance, this week the class learned the 5 parts of a friendly letter, so I was specifically looking to see that they included all 5 parts.  When you write to them, it will be for the pure joy of giving and receiving a letter from a loved one.

RAZ Kids: willardeast3a is the username that your child will use to log into RAZ kids.  The folder full of information from parent orientation night contained a page full of student usernames and passwords.  These are the sites that students will use consistently this year.  You are welcome to log in at home to see their progress.  Several of the sites allow for usage at home as well.  RAZ kids has a "rocket room" where the kids can "spend" their virtual dollars/stars on things for their virtual space ship.  I don't allow the kids to log into the rocket room at school but they can at home with your permission.  RAZ kids is the first technology site that we are utilizing.  Next week I'll introduce Kidblog to them.  This is an educational blog site where they can write reading responses, poetry, book reviews, etc. and share with other students.  All posts and comments are sent to me first for approval before they will appear on the blog.  Again, parents are invited to view the blog on their own at home by using the usernames and passwords provided in the parent information folder.  More to come about Kidblog next week.

Check out the information on Mrs. Miller's Library website about the upcoming book fair and Grandparents event.

username: willardeast3a
Letter to student from the teacher
Letter to the teacher