Bring It On!  That has been the motto in our class for the past month.  We are so ready for the MAP test and want the opportunity to SHOW WHAT WE KNOW!  I know that you already know all of these tips, but it wouldn't seem like the Friday before testing if I didn't share them with you again...A little bit of encouragement from you can go a loooong way in the following areas...plenty of rest, a healthy breakfast, and a "you can do it" attitude.  We spent some time this week taking down all the anchor charts and content specific material from the walls while we did a quick review over each.  We are also sitting in rows instead of groups for testing.  I think the kids like this since it's not something they typically do.  :)
Testing will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week and the week of April 30.  Testing will primarily be in the morning and a healthy snack will be provided during a mid morning break.  You do not need to send any snacks from home.  Lunch and recess will be at our regular times.  Special classes and library will be at different times to accommodate testing.  We are ready.  So, again....BRING IT ON!

Ask your child about... finishing our final copies of our famous scientist/inventor reports, using our google apps log in, starting our scientist/inventor name plates,  researching the state or country that our person is from, letters to the WWII veterans, estimation, and our last spelling test of the year.

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